Autumn Leaves Are Falling

Autumn Leaves Are Falling
Autumn is a wonderful time. It is the end of the beginning. In Spring, everything comes to life after being dormant through the cold winter months. Then Summer arrives and everything blossoms and grows. Finally, Autumn is upon us and the trees shed their leaves waiting for the next time they can come back to life.
The autumn leaves are changing colour, the air is crisp and clean in the early morning, the sound of rustling leaves as they float through the air moving as if they are ready to travel to wherever old man wind takes them… these are the sounds and sights of Autumn.
Autumn is a perfect time to get out and go for a walk, or even better take your dog with you.
This is also a great time for photography. The amazing colours of the leaves turning red, orange and gold, and the way the light shines through the canopy of leaves makes for some truly amazing shots.
Action shots of dogs (big or small) romping through piles of leaves, wriggling ecstatically on top of the pile, trying to catch falling leaves in their mouths or running along a path with the sunlight behind them. These make for some amazing shots!
Taking advantage of the spectacular backdrops and scenery that the Autumn leaves provide, can make a picture of your best friend so much more interesting. It may even be worthy of having the honour of hanging on your wall, and not just your Autumn screen saver on your computer, tablet or phone.
With the new age of digital cameras and phones with cameras we now take more pictures than ever before. Years ago we were limited to how many pictures we could take, based on how much film you could afford and the cost of developing the film..unless you were lucky enough to have your own darkroom!
Taking 36 pictures in a week used to be a lot, but now with almost everyone having a cell phone and those phones having a high definition camera right in their phone it’s nothing to take 36 pictures in a matter of minutes. Our []cameras and phones consistently hit their limits and we have to go through and delete hundreds of pictures that we never would have taken had it cost money for film and developing.
It is estimated that people take at least 100 times as many pictures now as opposed to the old film and developing days.
Why not? There’s no reason why we can’t have amazing shots of our furry friends, and Autumn is a great time of the year to capture some wonderful memories of them.
But then again, Winter is only a short time away so we can get ready for some amazing shots of our fur baby’s trying to catch snow flakes instead of leaves, and enjoying their first-time diving into piles of snow!
Actually, it sounds like there really isn’t a bad time to take pictures of our best friends!
Jack Devon has been taking photographs for the past 10 years. He is an avid nature photographer, that uses both DSLR and point and shoot cameras. While patiently waiting for the perfect shot, he likes to listen to music. Check out this website to see some great music and fitness accessories. []